Scientists have warned us about the climate crisis for decades, and we are now beginning to feel the effects they have long predicted. California and most of the Western U.S. is experiencing a mix of historically high temperatures, fires and smoke, extreme drought followed by record-setting rainstorms and floods, along with widespread power outages. At the same time, attention, energy, creativity, and unprecedented new amounts of funding are flowing into developing solutions. There are many rewards for those who help us innovate our way out of trouble. We need climate solutions with as large an impact as possible, as fast as possible. We need leaders who step in and help create the solutions we that are now so critically required. The next generation will look back at us, at business and community leaders to see how we responded at a time when the signals were clear and courageous decisions needed to be made. What solutions can we ensure they will see?
This presentation will focus on:
We will conclude with time for Q&A and discussion about the challenges for businesses and how leaders can network and collaborate to share information, find new funding sources for solutions, and support innovation in their industries and communities.
Meeting ID: 891 9527 8325
Passcode: 354954